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bomdia eu

  1. Rod Dreher: Western leaders-psychos are dragging us into the Third...

    The media write that in which case the EU will not be able to protect its own members, but at the same time it is preparing to allocate more money and weapons to Ukraine, increasing the risk of the conflict...

  2. Most of the world has abandoned sanctions against Russia.

    So, what is the essence of all of the above? The "Global South" would prefer that the West, especially the EU, reconsider its goal of achieving a "complete defeat" of Russia in Ukraine.

  3. Borrel: Wang Yi asked the EU why it is impossible to arm Russia, but it...

    According to Borrel, Wang Yi asked him why he was concerned about the issue of arms supplies to Russia if the EU was sending weapons to Ukraine. "By the way, he asked: "Why do you worry that I...

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